Services | Zumbrota Physical Therapy
Our Services

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a hands-on treatment by clinicians to treat muscle aches, joint pain, and limited range of motion. It encompasses a variety of techniques including soft tissue mobilization of muscles, nerves, joint mobilization and manipulation.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is defined as the insertion of a solid yet flexible needle into trigger points/knots within the muscle belly to stimulate release of the firmly contracted tissue as an effective and efficient treatment to reduce pain, spasm, soft tissue restriction, and alleviate referred symptoms.  Unlike acupuncture, dry needling is specifically geared towards utilization of needles to stimulate a twitch response, an instantaneous and brief contraction of the muscle which has been held in sustained contraction, to subsequently allow the muscle to release its chronic tightness and restriction.

Neck Pain & Headaches

There a many causes of neck pain and head aches, some of the most common are: joint restriction, impaired posture, muscle sprain/strain. One type of treatment includes improving strength although with joint and muscle flexibility in the neck. As the muscles and joints move more they typically become less painful and better able to maintain good posture, which reduces stress on the cervical spine.

Sprains & Strains

The most common musculoskeletal injuries are strains and sprains. Sprains are injuries to ligaments, the tough bands connecting bones to one another. Sprains occurs when a ligament is stretched past its normal limit deforming or tearing them. Strains are injuries to muscle fibers or tendons, which anchor muscles to bones. The higher the classification or serve the injury the more time it typically takes to heal, a physical therapist will assist you in the proper recover for each stage of healing getting you back to activity safely as soon as possible.

A sprain is a stretching or tearing of ligaments — the tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect two bones together in your joints. The most common location for a sprain is in your ankle. A strain is a stretching or tearing of muscle or tendon. A tendon is a fibrous cord of tissue that connects muscles to bones.

Classification of ankle sprains
Grade I – less than 25% of ligament tearing, mild pain, and swelling without instability
Grade II – 26-75% of the ligament tearing, moderate pain and swelling, loss of range of motion, mild instability
Grade III – total disruption of the ligament, severe pain and swelling, severe loss of motion and joint instability

Muscle strain classification
Grade I - little tissue disruption, mild inflammatory response, some pain but no loss of strength when tested, no loss of range of motion
Grade II – some disruption of muscle fibers, strength and range of motion decreased, significant pain
Grade III – complete rupture with total loss of strength in the involved muscle, palpable or visible defect may be present


Tendonitis is an inflammatory condition in the connective tissue where the muscle meets the bone or “tendon”. This is usually an overuse injury and can happen at any age. Your physical therapist will help you stop the inflammation, restore tissue flexibility and provide progressive strengthening/loading to healing tissue resulting in improved function.

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